Junior Touch Rules and Guidelines


The Toss

The captain winning the toss shall receive the possession of the ball and a choice of direction and substitution box.  The referee will supervise the toss.



A touchdown will be awarded when a player places the ball on or over the score line prior to being touched.  A touchdown will be worth one point.  If a Dummy half scores it will result in a change of possession.


Sub Box:

Teams may interchange players at anytime.  Players coming onto the field may not do so until the player being replaced has come off.  Substitutions must occur at or in the teams’ sub box.



Change of possession starts with a roll ball and shall occur:

  • After the sixth touch
  • When the dummy half is touched while in possession
  • After an incorrect plant
  • When the ball goes to ground
  • When a player in possession steps out of the field of play
  • Whenever the referee indicates
  • Play is started with a roll ball at the change of possession.



A player in possession of the ball may pass, knock, throw or otherwise deliver the ball to any on side player in the attacking team.  Passing forward is not permitted.


The Tap

The tap is taken by placing the ball on the ground next to the mark, releasing the ball from both hands, tapping the ball with the inside of either foot a distance no more then a meter and retrieving it cleanly.  Any player from the attacking team may take the tap. A tap is also a way of restarting play after a try is scored.


The Penalty

A player/team will be penalised when they have made an infringement.  When a player/team is penalized, the opposing team shall restart play with a tap.  The defending team must retire ten meters from the mark until the ball is tapped.


Plant (Roll Ball)

A means of restarting play.  Players must perform the plant (roll ball) on the mark while facing their opponent’s defending score line, by rolling the ball backwards between their legs a distance of no more then one meter.  Players must not delay in performing the plant (roll ball).


The Touch

Players from both the attacking and defending team are permitted to effect the touch.  A touch constitutes the contact with any part of the body, ball, clothing or hair.  A minimum force is to be used at all times.  The team in possession is entitled to 6 touches unless another infringement has taken place.


Touch and Pass

A player is not to pass the ball after a touch has been made.


The Dummy Half

The dummy half is the person who picks up the ball after a team mate has performed a roll ball.



After a touch has been made all defending players must retire seven meters (five meters for U10s age groups) from the mark.  Defenders cannot move until the dummy half has touched the ball.



If a player with the ball crosses the sideline s/he is deemed to be out of play and a change of possession will occur.  Play starts with a plant (roll ball) five meters from where the player went out.  If a touch is made before the player goes out, then the touch counts.



Players of the attacking team are not to obstruct defending players from attempting to affect a touch.  Defending players are not to obstruct/interfere with attacking players supporting the ball carrier.


The field of Play

The field is 70m x 50m (scoreline to scoreline) substitution boxes measuring 20m x 5m shall be situated on both sides of the field.  The touch down zone is the area beyond the scoreline.

NOTE: For Yr 1/2, Yr 3/4 or U10 teams the field is half that of a full sized field so 50m x 35m (scoreline to scoreline)


Team Composition

A team may consist of up to 14 players.  A max of 6 players is allowed on the field at any one time.  A minimum of 4 is required to start the game.



The usual match shall be 20 minutes each way with a 2 minute half time.  Associations may alter the duration of matches to suit their particular requirements.


Extra Time for Draws in playoffs/Finals matches

At the end of time each team is given 1 minute to sort their drop off team. Each team will field 4 players (2 male and 2 female for mixed teams) and the team that tapped off in the second half will start with the ball.

Play is started with a tap at the halfway mark in the centre of the field. The game will progress for 2 mins. If scores remain tied after the 2 minutes one player from each team is to leave the field. Play will then continue, the first team to score will win the game.


Player Attire

All team members must be correctly attired in team uniforms.  Footwear with molded soles is permitted.  Bare feet, spikes and footwear with screw in studs are not permitted.  Players are not to wear any item of jewelry.